Monday, 19 October 2015

N5X stock wallpaper (pulled from system.img)

Note that this is the real deal - unlike the unofficial N5X wallpaper that was similar but slightly different, this is the 100% official stock wallpaper taken straight from the N5X's system image. You're welcome!

PS: If someone with a Nexus 6P could extract the stock wallpaper from that as well, I would be very grateful. There's no system image for the 6P yet, so we need someone with an actual device to do it! This is how:
  • Open the /system/framework folder in your file explorer of choice (root will be required to browse the /system folder);

  • Copy framework-res.apk to your PC, and open it in WinRAR;

  • You can find the wallpaper inside the archive, it's located in /res/drawable-nodpi-v4/.

Thanks in advance!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	default_wallpaper.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	253.0 KB<br/>ID:	3512634

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